Adult Goal Bank
[Name of client] will identify the target [letter/number] from a matrix of [12/24/36] with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will identify the target [letter] from a spoken series with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will identify the difference of 2 similar photos presented simultaneously with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will answer questions about temporal concepts with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will recall a number forward series of [#] digits when presented verbally/written format in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
[Name of client] will provide a series of [#] digits in reverse order when presented verbally/written format in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
[Name of client] will recall a list of {#] related/unrelated words in an immediate memory task when presented verbally/written format in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
[Name of client] will recall a list of {#] related/unrelated words in a short term memory task when presented verbally/written format in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
[Name of client] will answer questions to provide pertinent information in a recent memory task with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will answer questions to provide general information in a remote memory task with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will recall information about a picture by answering questions with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will provide [#] key elements about a spoken sentence by answering questions with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will provide information about a paragraph read to her/him/them or read by him/her/them by answering questions with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will name objects/pictures with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will name the category of the pictured item with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will name at least [#] items that begin with the letter [letter of the alphabet] during a timed task of __ seconds.
[Name of client] will name at least [#] items that pertain to a given category during a timed task of __ seconds.
[Name of client] will name a related word to a given vocabulary target with 80% accur independently.
[Name of client] will name a word given the definition with 80% accur independently.
[Name of client] will identify the picture that matches the spoken word/phrase/sentence from a field of [#] with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will answer yes/no to indicate logic of a spoken sentence [Are you a (female/male)?] with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will identify the meaning of a word in the context of a sentence/paragraph with 80% accuracy.
[Name of client] will paraphrase/summarize a spoken paragraph read to her/him/them or read by her/him/them in 4 out of 5 opportunities independently.
[Name of client] will increase comprehension of short text material by a) defining vocabulary b) finding the main idea c) answering comprehension questions d) paraphrasing/summarizing in 8/10 opportunities independently.
[Name of client] will spell spoken words/phrases/sentences in 4 out of 5 opportunities independently.
[Name of client] will unscramble letters to provide the spelling of a pictured concept/item in 4 out of 5 opportunities independently.
[Name of client] will rewrite a given sentence with correct punctuation with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will order scrambled words to make a logical sentence with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will identify the prefix/suffix/root word of a series of words with 80% accuracy independently.
Connected Speech
[Name of client] will produce a grammatically appropriate sentence during a picture description task with 80% accuracy independently.
[Name of client] will produce organized, on topic, appropriately sequenced connected speech to answer an open ended question/picture description task in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
[Name of client] will achieve an average MLU of ___.__in [#] utterance sample given a picture description/conversational prompt.