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Wh-questions (who, what, when, where, and why)|25 Questions|English|For Print

SKU: 101
  •  This digital-for-print resource aims to:

    •  build basic concepts
    •  general knowledge
    • integrative language skills

    It assesses the learner's ability to answer wh-questions (who, what, when, where, & why) given a field of 3 picture choices. There are 5 of each wh-question type for 25 questions total.

    It includes a wh-visual support page that uses a picture representation of each wh-question type (who, what, when, where, and why).

    Additionally, it includes a wh-question matching activity with individual pictured items (people, animals, time/circumstance concepts, places, objects, actions, and reasons) to place in each category. 


    Grade Level: PreK-2nd

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