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Language Model
Language is a rule-governed system used to communicate meaning. 

Language Chart Graph_edited.png
  • Syntax: A rule-based system that governs the arrangement of words to form phrases and sentences.

  • Morphology: A rule-based system that governs the internal structure of words and word relationships. 

  • Phonology: A rule-based system that governs speech sound patterns used in a language.

  • Semantics: A rule-based system that governs the meaning of words in the context it is used.

  • Pragmatics: A rule-based system that governs how language is used socially. 


Goal Writing 

It can be a daunting task but it is key in the execution of your plan of care (POC). The SMART format is a method of goal writing that keeps clients involved in their care and helps the clinician deliver a service to clients by addressing weaknesses- typically identified in the assessment phase-and then turn these into therapeutic goals written in a concrete, clear, actionable manner to be addressed within a certain timeframe. Goal writing in SMART format allows the clinician and the client to reflect on the care provided and the effectiveness of the therapy program implemented. 


  • Specific: It delineates the action needed to address an area of weakness typically identified following a comprehensive assessment.​​

  • Measurable: Provides a way to quantify performance and determine progress/lack thereof overtime. 

  • Attainable: Takes into consideration the individuals level of functioning and sets out realistic gains that are anticipated by the clinicians clinical judgement and based on the underlying evidence/research. 

  • Relevant: It is tailored to meet the needs of the individual and takes into consideration what the individual desires to accomplish in order to meet their health-related objectives.

  • Time Bound: It has a timeline for completion (end date). 




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